Friday 30 April 2010

The Joy of Repetition really is in you...

A Round up to Round Three

Last night marked the final Leaders Debate, a concept which even I have now given up on. I spent most of it with Hot Chips, Over and Over going through my head. The joy of repetition really is in you, with the three head honchos apparently already out of new ideas. They discussed the same issues, had the same arguments and reused the same tired catchphrases from the first two debates, for those who didn't see it, you didn't miss much.

Nick Clegg did also remind me of a monkey with a miniature symbol. His, let's say we'll do what everyone wants, and let's agree with everyone else and let's get back to the question and let's do everything together, attitude makes him look increasingly weak and lacking in his own ideas. He also kept loosing his lines and coming across quite confused. If he was so sanctimonious Id almost feel sorry for him, he was probably put off by Gordons scary attempts at smiling...

Brown, was the same as ever. I would say more about him, but he just comes across as dull, and this really isn't his format. By far the best comment I heard about him for the evening was from Charlie Brooker saying he was, “in danger of turing into a “same old conservative party” novelty talking key ring”.

GB did annoy me no end by talking about 'young people' as if we are another species, that he had miraculously saved from extinction. He really hasn't a clue and I hope he doesn't truly believe he has been our saviour. His figures on youth unemployment are crocked and he doesn't realise that just giving young people jobs is not the answer. We need jobs that are suited to the degree's and training that he has insisted we all have. It seems to have escaped his notice that many graduates are working minimum wage jobs in shops etc, while their degrees rot on the shelf and they don't register in his employment stats, because technically they are employed! He really has missed the point and the sooner he goes the better!

David Cameron, although still mysteriously under-performing, won the debate. He was confident and knowledgeable and didnt waste too much time. He did however have a very shiny face. I know this is silly, but it did mean that when they discussed renewable energy, all I could do was imagine getting a solar panel and using the reflection from it as a renewable energy source!

Overall, the room was echoey, nothing new was said and David Dimbleby kept repeating the questions as if we all had amnesia or maybe he recognised that people were drifting with boredom. His tie was the highlight of the evening!


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