Monday 3 May 2010

Naked in the Name of Art....and good PR

This weekend saw the latest offering from artist Spencer Tunick, for those of you not familiar with him, this is his website: I dare any of you not to snigger while looking at it!

Tunick is a genius at generating publicity for one reason and one reason only... We are fascinated with naked people. Basically he takes photos of lots of naked people in famous places. Im sure many artist's will argue that it has more to do with form, symbolism and composition, but at the end of the day it is as much PR as art.

You see, he doesn't just take photos and display them, he always has a reason for doing it, there is always something that he is trying, invariably successfully, to gain column inches for. From shoots on glaciers to highlight climate change with Greenpeace to Gay Pride outside the Sydney opera house... he has put naked people out there.

His latest offering was here in Blighty, to celebrate the forthcoming 10th anniversary of the L.S. Lowry museum in Salford next month. It is art, but it is also eye-catching PR that provides Guardian and Telegraph readers with their own equivalent of page three for the day! Don't get me wrong, It's a bit of fun and I like it, but lets see it for what it is, a stunt!


Never Knowingly Under-exposed... next nod goes to John Lewis....

Having been well and truly beat by Dixons in their ad campaigns on the tube last year, John Lewis have hit the ground running in 2010 with some amazing PR.

Earlier in the year they managed to get a 3 part docu-drama on the BBC. This was amazingly priceless PR and whoever thought it up, and got it commissioned, deserves a medal and a bonus bigger than any banker. "Inside John Lewis" basically gave us three hours behind the scenes at the company with them showing us how wonderful they were and how much they valued their customers and in the days of 'how we love reality TV' was worth more than any advert.

They have now followed this up with a fantastic advertising campaign. Ah! but this is advertising not PR, I hear you say..well yes and no.

You see the advert in question, Never Knowingly Undersold, has created a huge buzz around it, with already well over 150,000 hits on the official YouTube video alone and many more on countless other versions. People are commenting about the advert and talking about the company, generating further coverage. The best thing that can happen in any campaign in the digital age is for it to go viral, and this is he case here.
This, combined with the release of the new cover of the backing track used, will create an association in consumers minds that should keep the John Lewis media department very happy for some time to come.
Check out the video here...Perry


Master of Makeover...

Okay, so last night the BBC showed Modern Masters: Andy Warhol.

Again not directly linked to PR but Warhol, it seems, with his understanding of the power and importance of image and celebrity, would have made a good publicist. Not surprising really from the man who said that everyone would be famous for 15 mins.

Amazing, iconic art aside, Warhols success came very much from understanding celebrity culture and its importance to society. He started by rebranding himself as an individual, the master of makeover, from Raggedy Andy, the scruffy geek, to the epitome of cool. He knew what he needed to change to get the fame he desired, creating a brand and a persona that would live on long after he was gone. Indeed one contributor commented that Warhols greatest piece of work was Andy Warhol. He understood how to create an icon.

His work too shows an understanding of what drove society at that time. The obsessions with life, celebrity and death that still drive magazine sales today. Warhol truly understood the importance of an image, its repetition and how subtle changes can make all the difference. He understood the media industry and how to play it for his own success.

It is questioned in the show whether his work is a comment on celebrity culture or a part of it. I personally think it is a wry, astute look at the present society, that has become a part of era that shines through today. Warhol changed the face of art, if he was still alive today and in the PR industry, I reckon he'd be giving the likes of Clifford and Borkowski a run for their money.

The show is currently up on BBC Iplayer and definitely worth checking out!


What's my name again???

So.... election aside, there have been some fab PR events this week and so I thought Id devote a little time to them...

The first to catch my eye was from Eddie Stobarts... you know the lorry firm with the names on them. The concept of naming the vehicles is, in itself great PR, everyone who has ever been on a road journey recognises their livery and knows to look out for the name... It's great for their brand.

Well to celebrate their 40th anniversary they have launched several new lorries... so what? i hear you say... Well these have no names on them!!!! The shock! But for anyone lucky enough to spot one, you get to choose the name! How cool is that???? Im on the lookout already, but this could well be very effective PR for the company. It costs very little for them to set up, will give them nationwide coverage and will get people talking about the business in a positive and fun way! Fab idea!


Friday 30 April 2010

How Elections should be fought..

This is, without a doubt, my political find of the week....Definitely recommend you check this out (although nothing to do with PR) and get your revenge on politics!
Beat up Brown, Kick Cleggs ass or punch Posh Boys lights out...whatever, Enjoy!

Hopping and praying to get your vote...

My fav election pic so far...

Also Charlie Brookers article, linked below, is good for some fun post debate chatter...

Labour Supporters Campaign video

This campaign video is why it's a very bad idea to upset a top advertising/PR exec during an election campaign.... Powerful stuff, bad for the tories and Wolverhampton Council...

The Joy of Repetition really is in you...

A Round up to Round Three

Last night marked the final Leaders Debate, a concept which even I have now given up on. I spent most of it with Hot Chips, Over and Over going through my head. The joy of repetition really is in you, with the three head honchos apparently already out of new ideas. They discussed the same issues, had the same arguments and reused the same tired catchphrases from the first two debates, for those who didn't see it, you didn't miss much.

Nick Clegg did also remind me of a monkey with a miniature symbol. His, let's say we'll do what everyone wants, and let's agree with everyone else and let's get back to the question and let's do everything together, attitude makes him look increasingly weak and lacking in his own ideas. He also kept loosing his lines and coming across quite confused. If he was so sanctimonious Id almost feel sorry for him, he was probably put off by Gordons scary attempts at smiling...

Brown, was the same as ever. I would say more about him, but he just comes across as dull, and this really isn't his format. By far the best comment I heard about him for the evening was from Charlie Brooker saying he was, “in danger of turing into a “same old conservative party” novelty talking key ring”.

GB did annoy me no end by talking about 'young people' as if we are another species, that he had miraculously saved from extinction. He really hasn't a clue and I hope he doesn't truly believe he has been our saviour. His figures on youth unemployment are crocked and he doesn't realise that just giving young people jobs is not the answer. We need jobs that are suited to the degree's and training that he has insisted we all have. It seems to have escaped his notice that many graduates are working minimum wage jobs in shops etc, while their degrees rot on the shelf and they don't register in his employment stats, because technically they are employed! He really has missed the point and the sooner he goes the better!

David Cameron, although still mysteriously under-performing, won the debate. He was confident and knowledgeable and didnt waste too much time. He did however have a very shiny face. I know this is silly, but it did mean that when they discussed renewable energy, all I could do was imagine getting a solar panel and using the reflection from it as a renewable energy source!

Overall, the room was echoey, nothing new was said and David Dimbleby kept repeating the questions as if we all had amnesia or maybe he recognised that people were drifting with boredom. His tie was the highlight of the evening!


A car crash event!

Ok....Its not really funny! But it was another pun-tastic opportunity, when one driver got so excited by the launch of a new labour poster campaign, he decided to crash the event, quite literally!
A Car Crash...What a brilliant metaphor for their campaign right now. But for anyone hoping he was actually aiming for a shot at dark Lord Mandy...alas the driver still intends to vote labour next week, maybe he took a knock to the head!

Thursday 29 April 2010

Brown in the Brown stuff.....again!

Bigoted, who me? No you!

It just keeps getting worse for Gordon Brown and his communications team must be doing their nut in by now! Not content with clearly looking for someone else in the campaign team to blame for his lack of answers for the poor woman, he then goes on to upset and insult a defenceless voter.

Perhaps this is why Browns election stops are being kept under wraps until the last minute, a desperate attempt to keep him away from as many members of the public as possible.

But what a schoolboy mistake from GB, forgetting the mic was still on. There have been rumours that this was a PR stunt by Brown to get his policy on immigration to the forefront ahead of tonight's debate. If this was the case, it was either very badly thought through or it was thought up by a double agent on the tory pay roll. All he has done is strengthen the playground bully persona he has acquired recently and show how out of touch he has become.

Personally I think it likely that this is just another silly mistake from a floundering campaign, but one that will cost them dear and could well be another nail in the labour party coffin.


Sunday 25 April 2010

Help me make it through the (Election) night...

When Gordon met Elvis!

Okay, this PR stunt I just can't not post on. I JUST CAN'T HELP BELIEVIN Gordon Brown must really be in TROUBLE now and seeking a BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED WATERS if he thought that resurrecting Elvis would have been his GOOD LUCK CHARM to quell the SUSPICIOUS MINDS of the voters.

Alright, enough puns. What were the Labour party comms team thinking? Other than the fact that it gave bored journalists, and me, a field day, I can't see how saying a dead American supports your campaign is in any way helpful! What message was he trying to get across??? It made him look out of touch and cheesy. PR disaster me thinks.

Gordon might be saying DONT BE CRUEL and LET IT BE ME, but I think if this is going to be the quality of his PR strategy from now on then its TOO MUCH. ITS NOW OR NEVER to SURRENDER to the urge to vote for someone else on election night...... Okay Im done now :)


The Leaders Debate Round 2

Okay...yes, technically this post is a few days overdue! But without a doubt the biggest PR event of the last week (bigger even than Gordon meeting Elvis!) was the second leaders debate.

Just as important as what they were saying was how they were saying it and how they came across.... As Im sure Nick Clegg will agree. Without a doubt he won the first debate, not on policies but on attitude. First time round he looked surprisingly relaxed and confident with one hand rarely leaving his pocket and he commanded presence on his podium. But not so much second time round.

First time round all Clegg had to do was turn up and prove he wasn't Cameron or Brown, but for this second debate he was under pressure and it showed. He started off over-confident only to seemingly melt under pressure on certain questions. the guy lacks gravitas, he seems nice enough, but do we really want Nice Nick running the country and representing us on a world stage? He also kept interrupting, which only served the upstart image he had acquired.

Not that Brown did any better. If he put a pound back into the economy for every time he said "I agree with Nick..." then the UK budget deficit would have been halved by now! He also had a tendency to laugh every time he disagreed with something. he may have been told to lighten up but smiling is one thing Gordon Brown should always avoid, it makes him more scary than the weeping angels form Dr Who. His see through use of number play on the figures was a desperate ploy and I wish he would learn to say Al Qaeda properly, because at the moment it sounds like he may have created a new terror threat!

And so on to Cameron. For a PR man, he really seems to have lost his grasp of the importance of image right now. This second debate had him looking jaded and dare I say it slightly really did look like he had let one of his kids do his tie for him. He did however come across as more confident in this second debate and made back some of the ground lost in the first. I do however, expect more from him, he seem off his game at a crucial time and should be creating more of a presence.

Overall this second debate was much closer, perhaps Cameron won it by a whisper. One thing we can say for sure is that the debates have thrown the election wide open. I do however think that the best way to make the final debate more interesting would be to give them each a light-sabre and let them fight it out that way see what happens!


Where to Start???

Where indeed?!?

Well let's face it. PR is a massive, fast moving industry covering a huge variety of areas, so there is no way this blog is going to cover all of them!
But what it will aim to do is pass comment on the bits that catch Perrys eye. The delights and disasters that pop up in the news and anything else that takes the fancy on the way.

Seeing as the number one story at the moment is the election it seems likely that this will take centre stage in these posts! But this is only one point of view on these issues!
Please feel free to comment/ question anything on here you wish!

Perry the Penguin

PS: Perry would like to let everyone know now, he is not from Iceland and is in no way affiliated with any inconvenient volcanos!